Organic Coffee Tour

Organic Coffee Tour at Finca Cristina

Costa Rican coffee is renowned worldwide and some of the highest quality is grown at 3471 feet above sea level in the Orosi Valley.  In this tour you will visit the family-run Finca Cristina plantation and learn the process of harvesting coffee from the field to the cup.  You will also meet the owners, who believe that a healthy organic soil produces a great coffee.


You can book a tour at Finca Cristina and also helps support local efforts to preserve a healthy and balanced ecosystem for native bird species.  During your visit you may encounter unique species of birds from Costa Rica.

On Finca Cristina they have been growing coffee with a totally different concept in which the farm is more like a natural habitat than a monoculture. The coffee plants on the farm are one important piece of an ecosystem which they have been working hard to encourage and maintain.

This great tasting coffee can also be purchase on the site in different roasts and either grounded or whole. As well as some other presentations.

Visit Cafe Cristina’s web site to learn more.

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